Before you take a peak.....

You need to be aware this is our old blog. Dave (the blogger) started blogging when, as a family, we went to India for 3.5 months from April - August 2008. This blog is the story of our time there. You'll find lots about our story by going to the 'archives' section of the blog to the left below.

If you want to see our current news go to our new website and blog here..

July 07, 2008

The record was beaten!!

We mentioned to a number of you the silly idea we had of trying to beat the amount of people that hit the blog in a day the other day??

Well thanks to all of you who did what we asked. We had a record 21 visits on the day and 43% of those were new people - welcome all of you!!!
There are loads of other stats. but for the most interesting one is that we have had 193 visits came from 16 countries. If you click on the picture on the right to see them. They include India China, Argentina, United States, South Africa, New Zealand, Australia, Norway, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Poland. I think that's amazing.

We do appreciate all the interest and feedback in the blog. I've enjoyed doing it and it's been a good discipline. Someone called from the UK last night and said that they had noticed that the blog content had moved from a kind of diary (we have done this and are doing that) to commenting on what we have seen, giving my views and options and even, at times, challenging us all (and I mean me us too) to being more involved with the poor wherever we are - who am I to do that really??

So thanks for playing our silly game of beating our record!!