Before you take a peak.....

You need to be aware this is our old blog. Dave (the blogger) started blogging when, as a family, we went to India for 3.5 months from April - August 2008. This blog is the story of our time there. You'll find lots about our story by going to the 'archives' section of the blog to the left below.

If you want to see our current news go to our new website and blog here..

July 07, 2008

It's great to have Rob here as he is (most importantly) such a good mate but also like a breath of fresh air on the work front. He is helping on loads of the training development. It is good to let Rob take some of the lead in these things. I guess it feels like I can share the responsibility a little more with someone I trust.

It's weird, since he has come out here, the overwhelming feeling for me is that of a relay runner who has run a good distance and suddently feels a fresh runner up his rear (!) and just wants to hand the baton over to the fresh runner but knows he still has to short distance to run before he can hand the baton on and dip out of the race.

Rob coming seesm to have really brought and instant feeling of tiredness for me and the thought that 'I'm near having enough here now'. That said, I know I have a little more to run and run I will...

We had a good meeting with our 'fixer' on the corporate training front and things are going well there. That training is on the 18th.

With both the residential leadership weekend coming up this weekend and the corporate day on the 18th too, we are both engrossed in developing content now for these events. I think we are both feeling a little like the ducks in the picture below...!! Especially as Rob's wife and 3 kids coming out at 3.30am the morning of the training this Friday! Arghhhh!!