Before you take a peak.....

You need to be aware this is our old blog. Dave (the blogger) started blogging when, as a family, we went to India for 3.5 months from April - August 2008. This blog is the story of our time there. You'll find lots about our story by going to the 'archives' section of the blog to the left below.

If you want to see our current news go to our new website and blog here..

May 19, 2008

And home we go again..

It seems as if we have only just arrived and now we are going home again. Spent some good time with friends from Raj's Church (see Becky and Lea - husband Josh not in pic - in pic)

Not much to say about this trip really. Talks went very well and kids loved being at the school with all the 'sports facilities' (see the basketball court and football 'pitch' below etc). Can you spot Es in the pics?:
And before long we were off back home........The coaches were late (for a change) so it meant a very speedy bomb down the mountainside for 2 hours. We saw off the coaches and then, as we were even later, we raced off to try and get to the train station on time. Words can't describe hanginging onto your daughter for dear life as you speed close to the edge of huge cliff drops....

Finally reached the station and caught the sleeper train which we had rushed for but of course was.....late....!!! And finally off for the 12 hour train journey back to Bangalore.....

Woke at 6am and was visited by 15 of the Church guys singinging Happy Birthday to you. Yes it was my 21st again guys... What a weird place to celebrate!!!