3 reasons as far as I can work out:
1. Paul is here and the first few days with him have been quite chilled out. Things get a little busier tomorrow with a days visit to Wonderla with me and Paul and the kids. Sarah is having a day off!
We went to 'Bits' and 'Accept' for the last times today with Paul and had a good time and then out for a meal tonight. The kids (and us) are loving being with 'Uncle Paul'.
2. Our minds are most definitely starting to get focused on coming home and less on India and what is going on here. Part of that is because people have been e mailing a lot to say 'how are you feeling about coming home' and that starts to get you thinking about things that (for me at least) I have not thought about at all for 3 months - home, work, money situation at home etc etc
Both Sarah and I (and the kids I think although they don't express it the way we do) are feeling quite weird right now. Kind of wanting to be home now but still needing to be revved up for Paul being here.
3. I kind of feel I have now done all that I came to do. This morning I finished my last piece of work for the trust which was a very weird feeling. I do still have a few (tying up the loose ends type) meetings to have with before we come home I kind of feel all is done that I need to do. A great feeling but I now feel a bit of the twiddling thumbs coming on. I am OK with that for now though...
So that's as much as I have to tell you I'm afraid!! I guess there will be more tomorrow (Wonderla) and then we go back again to Mysore on Monday.
Sorry to be boring! Do hang in there with us as we spend the last few days out here now.....