Rob and I are off to do this Fishermen Trust trustees day today so we thought we would try and have a little fun whilst we work here and you guys in the UK wake from your sleep and set off for the day..... !! We are already training here by the way!!
If you are on the blog today for the first time as a result of the e mail we sent: WELCOME!! If you are normally on the blog and wondering what I am talking about, here's an e mail we set out today to people who are supporting our trip:
"We have tried not to bombarded people with too many e mails since being India and just let people find your own level of interest via visiting the blog. It really seems as if that has worked and many of you guys have been so good at feeding back to us how much you have appreciated it. Thanks
We thought we would have a bit of fun to lighten up our day and maybe yours too!!
We mentioned on the blog that we now have our stats from visits to the blog analysed by Google (who run our blog) from.
So far, since June 16th, we have had:
162 new visitors
582 page views
People from 15 countries visiting
and we wondered if in one day (today) we could blow the roof off those stats so we have e mailed people to say:
If you are from another country to the UK, hit the blog today and change the map of the world that we have had visitors from
If you have not visited our blog before, hit it today and have a look around. We will see you pop up as someone who has not visited the site before - not by name of course but that how amazing the stats they collect are
If you know of people who have not gone on the blog, give them a kick and get them to."
You are obviously on the blog and we hope that is as a result of the e mail.
We'll post the results here tomorrow with what stats we got!
So far the record is 18 people in a day. Lets beat it!!
Before you take a peak.....
You need to be aware this is our old blog. Dave (the blogger) started blogging when, as a family, we went to India for 3.5 months from April - August 2008. This blog is the story of our time there. You'll find lots about our story by going to the 'archives' section of the blog to the left below.
If you want to see our current news go to our new website and blog here..