We took the kids to Lalbagh Botanical Gardens which we have been to a number of times but the Husbands had yet to experience. I blogged about this place a little while back - remember the little golf caddy thing we went round in??
They have some amazing trees there, many of them hundreds of years old. My favourite is this 200 year old cotton tree on who's roots the kids enjoyed climbing.
Two other quick blog type items we have forgotten to mention....:
1. The corporate training is off! We had a call late yesterday to say that for various reasons it was not going to work. Bit gutted really but I felt we did all we could. If I am honest, things fell down in other areas - not for the blog though.....

More news on that another time but we do go Saturday night (9.30pm) for a night coach to Ooty so don't expect to hear too much from us for a few days.