Anyway, the next few days we plan to spend a bit of time with the Husbands going round a few hotspots in Bangalore. It makes it easier when you feel like you are showing people some of what you know.
As ever just as we had set (and agreed with people) some plans for the rest of this week and had shared them with the kids we get the standard call the night before to say: 'Dave, things have changed with the week and we need to adjust a little' . This final phrase is beginning to wind me up a little as, much of the time, in my humble view, it is used to cover up bad decisions or bad organisation. Sorry if that sounds harsh but if you saw it/experienced it, I think you may feel the same.
That said, we did 'adjust a little' and went off to the Government offices (above) which is the grand building with the inscription 'Government Work Is God's Work' over the top.
Then off to a place that, for me, one of my favourite spots 'City Market' - the place where many people from Bangalore (shops especially) go to get spices, fruit, flowers etc. A kind of City wholesale market. I love this place as it has such a heart to it. The people there are always so lovely to the kids, giving them flowers all the time etc. Here is the market selling flowers for the garlands for the gods in the temples and then (2nd pic down) the hottest chillies India has!: