You remember that we gave some money (form the gifts that we were given) to a guy who wanted to build a house for his Mum?? If not see the post on the May 31st.
Well our friend has just come back from the visit to his Mum's home (where he was born) and here are the pics of what has already happened, but 1st of all, can I introduce the family cow!

The plot of land where the house will go:

The plot of ground has already been bought (before the money we gave from friends in the UK) and now the bricks are bought (with the money given) and roof etc is ordered. Should all be completed in

the next few months. Now

our friend has 70% more of his salary for him to have (rather than sending it all back home) and can worry less about his Mum and 2 sisters living in the barn with the goats etc.
That's them in the pic.'s all fairly simple really isn't it??!! Well actually no it's not but sometimes it just feel like it...