Had a great day Saturday with Tim. In one sense no big deal – just spent some time having breakfast together, shopping with him and generally chilling as Saturday is one of our family days off.
Saturday night Tim was feeling a bit icky (a technical/medical term) so we left him at home as our good friends Praveen and Miriam (see previous blog entries) were having their house move in ‘party’ – well more just a bit of grub with the guys that had been helping them shift stuff in all day. They have moved to a lovely apartment about half hour away from where they were before. It did feel a bit weird as their apartment is lush but they are the only flat in all the 26 in the block that is finished and occupied now. All the other 25 are only half finished as the build has run out of money for now!! Very surreal!
It was great to spend time with the 10 or so people who see as closest to us out here and, for the first time for the 6 weeks (tomorrow) we have been out here, they seemed totally relaxed with us there – not waiting on us hand and foot as usual which we find really hard.

In the evening Tim was booked to speak again – well we only have him for a week after all!!! He spoke at the Revival Church just over the road from where we live where a good friend of ours is the assistant Pastor. Very different to the morning in style but a good response again. Met a guy after the service that works for Tata (see previous blog entry) and heads up their operation in Israel, Greece and Cyprus (!). He is in a senior position for Tata and also has some significant influence with the Charity that Tata has set up. Raj and I had a good chat with him and again I was reminded by this guy that India has to wealth to sort many of it’s problems out – Tata give to their Charitable arm around £13million!!! We began to discuss how the Fishermen Trust might be able to access this fund and need to keep in touch with this guy…..!!!

Today we start with 3 days of various meetings with various people to start to explore with Tim more about the Trust and where it is going and how we might be able to support it in the future – or not! It will be a packed 3 days as Tim will then leave early Thursday am.