Bit of a wordy post this but, we are almost half way through our stay here (!) and if you are still wondering what we are doing here (!) and, more importantly, what we
I was thinking back this morning over last nights post of why we are feeling more chilled. One of the reasons I think felt so much better yesterday was because I had taken time to look at what we had achieved whilst out here and what else needed to be done.
Now before all the people that know me well say 'here he goes again' get off your high horse for a minute (!) I am 100% aware of that fact that all the following is just 'stuff' - it's just a few family/work goals that I felt if we set would help us in the times that we feel we are not getting anywhere here. I appreciate that this is only a small perspective on what we have 'achieved' out here.
There are hundreds of other things that the family and I have 'achieved' out here: confidence (seen in the kids in bucket loads), a sense of 'pulling together despite all sorts of hassles, relationships with our Indian friends going to another level, and a whole heap more of the slightly less tangible outcomes (not always though) from being here.
Having said how important the non tangible goals have been and highlighting the personal/ family goals that we have seen happen so far, it is really important to

communicate that one of the main reasons for being out here was to partner with Raj and the Trust and take it to another level. This is not some kind of egotistical 'pat on the back' but, in a country like India, you need to have focus and some specific goals to ensure you are not getting distracted (something that happens all the time here) and enable you to get a sense, looking back, that your time has been fruitful.
I also firmly believe our goals have also:
a. Given us a sense that my time on a career break had been worth it and that there was some fruit for our labours
b. Encouraged me/us as individuals and a family that we have done some good stuff whilst here so that when the low times (as they have and no doubt will again) we can have something that encourages us
c. Fed back to some of you guys who are reading this. Despite the numerous blogs we have still had people e mail us to say "what are you really doing out there!!" Oh dear!!
d. Brought a sense of accountability to all of you that have supported us before and during this trip and ensure you feel that your 'investment has produced a return'.
e. Given Raj and the Trust a focus to what we will and won't be doing during our 3.5 months so that expectations are clear and they know what remains for them to do after we go.
Sorry if this all sounds like a final sum up before we leave and we have only been here 7 weeks this Wednesday!! That said, the bright ones amongst you (well that's just my big brother Paul then!) will have noticed that we are just one week short of being half way through our trip!! As I type this, the butterflies are raging in my stomach.....
Anyway, shut up rambling boy....!
Do flick back to the post on the 25.5 and here's what we came up with in terms of aims that we set that we have hit so far:
1. Keep journal on a daily basis (All)
2. Speak when asked to – massive thing at the moment! (Dave)
3. Keep blog up to date daily (Dave)
4. Communicate regularly through e mail and calls (All)
5. Live within (our very tiny) budget (All - kids have one too!!)
6. Establish itineraries (for Tim, Rob, Husbands & Paul), have visitors stay and ensure they are happy!
7. Ensure Sarah feels Dave is balancing ‘work’ and ‘home’
8. School work for kids 4 times a week for 2 hours until Husbands come
9. Josh’s reading to improve
10. Stay as healthy as is possible– especially Sarah
Here's what we (well I guess 'I') have managed to get done with and for the Fishermen Trust in terms of specific goals:
- Furnish TFT office TFT laptop & associated items purchased
- Establish new system of reporting from Raj to trustees and blog
- Clarify finance issues to split TFT and Raj’s finances
- Clarify money in CLC account use
- Establish a TFT Trust budget and write a ‘finance proposals’ paper to Board
- Speak at 3 camps (Church, Avalanche and Efficor)
- Establish 3 day residential leadership training weekend for Christian leaders including programmes and PR
- Establish 1 day corporates training event with Mindview including PR and programmes
- Establish a day retreat with TFT trustees including programmes
- Update TFT blog weekly
- Discuss and agree partnership document with CLC and e mail out/discuss with TFT Trustees

SUPPORT FOR RAJ: Targets that I have worked with Raj on and have achieved:
1. Provide external supervision for Raj 2. Support for Raj’s personal development 3. Give to Raj where necessary
OTHERS: And finally, where 'others' have been the focus of our goals, we have achieved the following:
- Support (confidential name) house build
- Support (confidential name) family – money, toys and baby carriers
- Support Sreeni in development of his Church
- Buy climbing shoes for (confidential name)
- Distribute the £1000 we have been given wisely. £500 done and £500 to go
- Distribute toys/baby stuff given from Tim
- Purchase and distribute the £100 from St James via skipping ropes etc
So you can see why, after a good old look at where we are at, nearly half way through the trip, we felt as if we had done a huge amount. Add to this all the changes we have seen in each others lives and the lives of the people we have been serving, and we hope you will agree it's been a good 6 weeks!!