Having said all of that, for all those of our friends following the blog from our Church, I feel I should report back that we have a few concerns that Tim may be coming back to you a new/changed man......
1. Here you see Tim preaching at Sreeni's Church - no problem there - until you here the background that Tim refused to preach unless they bought him a huge (medallion style) neckless. We searched high and low and the best we could get was a garland out here. He wasn't happy but as you can see wore it with delight! Very camp Tim!
When Tim returns I trust Tony an Frank, the 2 guys in leadership with Tim, can help Tim with these 'issues' and work things through with Dri too. Shame when a Pastor behaves like this don't you think.....? Tee hee!!
Seriously though it has been good to have Tim here and the guys out here have really appreciated 'Pastor Tim' (as everyone out here calls him) coming. He has spent some good time with Raj, getting to know him so much better - where he is from, what is in his heart, where the vision came from etc and with Sreeni too - helping him in the development of his Church and the potential growth of another.
One practical way Tim has helped has been to buy some Bibles for the Tamil Church group that Sreeni leads on a Friday night (see previous blog entry). Many of these people dont have a Bible to read so Tim has got has bought 20 Bibles (10 English and 10 Tamil) for them as a gift from CLC . Here's Tim at the Bible bookshop buying them.
We have also managed to spend some good time with Sreeni tonight helping him think ahead, get support and accountability, balance family and home life etc etc. All part of our ongoing support for Sreeni and his work.